ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medallic orientation

Hey there kiddo! Have you ever received a medal? Did you notice that some of them are round and have pictures on both sides? Well, the way those pictures are facing is called the medallic orientation.

You know how when you hold a piece of paper, there's a top and a bottom? Well, it's the same with medals, except instead of top and bottom, it's called obverse and reverse. The obverse is the front side of the medal and the reverse is the back side.

Medallic orientation is about how those sides are facing. There are two different types called medallics: medallic orientation and coin orientation.

Medallic orientation is when the obverse and the reverse of the medal both face the same way. It's like holding a book, where one side is the cover and the other side is the pages inside. You can look at both sides without having to flip it over.

Coin orientation is when the obverse and the reverse of the medal are facing different ways. It's like holding a calendar, where one side has the picture and the other side has the date. You have to flip it over to see both sides.

So there you have it, medallic orientation is all about which way the pictures on a medal face. Pretty cool, huh?