ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media of Portugal

Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about the media in Portugal. You know how we have TVs and newspapers and magazines here? Well, Portugal has those too but they also have radio stations and websites where people can get news and entertainment too.

Portugal has a bunch of different TV stations that make shows and news programs. Some of the most popular ones are RTP, SIC, and TVI. They make shows like soap operas and game shows, and they also share news from around the country.

The newspapers in Portugal also have lots of news about what's happening in the country. Some of the biggest newspapers are Jornal de Notícias, Diário de Notícias, and Correio da Manhã. People can read these newspapers in print or online.

Portugal also has lots of radio stations. They play music and also have talk shows where people can talk about what's happening in the world. Some popular radio stations in Portugal are Rádio Comercial, RFM, and Antena 3.

Lastly, Portugal has lots of websites that people can visit to get news and entertainment. One of the most popular ones is Sapo.pt, which has news articles and videos, as well as games and TV shows that people can watch online.

So there you have it, kiddo. Portugal has lots of different types of media, just like we do here. They have TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, and websites where people can get news and entertainment.