ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media portrayal of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes big kids fight over toys or games? Well, in Eastern Europe, two big countries called Russia and Ukraine are fighting over something called land. They both want it for themselves and they are not agreeing on how to share it. This has been going on for a while now and it’s called the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Now, when big fights happen like this, lots of people want to know what’s happening, so they watch or read the news. The news people tell everyone else what’s going on and sometimes they use pictures or videos to show what’s happening. That’s called the “media portrayal.”

But the thing is, sometimes the news people who are showing the pictures or videos might want to make one side look better and the other side look worse. It’s like they are picking favorites, kind of like when you and your friends are playing and you pick your best friend to be on your team.

So, when you see pictures or videos from the media about this war, you might see one side being shown as the “good guys” and the other side being shown as the “bad guys.” But the truth is, both sides are hurting and both sides are trying to win the land for themselves.

That’s why it’s important to think for ourselves and not just believe everything we see or hear on the news. We should try to learn all we can and understand both sides of the story before making up our minds about who is right or wrong.