ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medicine in ancient Rome

Long, long ago, before you were even born, people in a big city called Rome had a special way of taking care of their bodies when they got sick. This special way was called medicine.

Medicine was very important to the people of Rome because they wanted to stay healthy and strong, just like you do! They had special doctors, called "medicos," who were very clever at knowing how to make people feel better when they were sick.

Now, the "medicos" in Rome knew that many things could make people feel sick, like eating bad food, getting hurt, or catching a sickness from another person. So they had to be very smart and know many things about how the body works in order to help people feel better!

One thing they did was look at the color of a person's skin and eyes, and listen to their breathing and heartbeat. They did this to try and find out what was making them feel sick or in pain. Then they would mix special medicines from plants and herbs that they knew would help the person feel better.

Sometimes, the "medicos" would even do surgery, which is when they cut a person's body to fix something that was wrong inside. This was a very scary thing to do, but they knew how to do it safely.

The people of Rome also had special public baths called "thermae" where they would go to soak in warm water to help them relax and feel better. They believed that the warm water helped their bodies get rid of toxins and made them stronger!

So that's how medicine worked in ancient Rome. They had special doctors who knew many things about the body, used natural herbs and plants as medicine, and even had public baths to help people feel better!