ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medieval Arabic female poets

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about some special ladies from a long time ago called the medieval Arabic female poets. Arabs have always loved poetry and storytelling, and both men and women wrote poems that people would hear and admire. These women poets lived in a time called the medieval period which was hundreds of years ago when there were no TVs, computers, or smartphones.

Now imagine, girls like you who lived in that time had very fewer opportunities to attend school unlike boys. But some girls who were lucky enough to be born in rich families got the chance to study, read books and learn how to write poetry. Some girls were even sent to special schools to study literature, history, and philosophy.

As they grew up, these girls became famous for writing beautiful and powerful poems about all sorts of things. They wrote about love, nature, religion, politics, and even war! People would listen to them and be amazed by how talented and smart they were. Their poems were so popular that they were often sung or recited at big events like weddings, funerals, or national celebrations.

Some of the most famous medieval Arabic female poets you might have heard of are Rabi'ah al-Basri, Al-Khansa, and Hafsa bint al-Hajj. Rabi'ah was known for her love poems, Khansa was famous for her poems about the bravery of her brother and cousins who went to fight in war, and Hafsa wrote about society, politics, and religion.

So you see, these women poets were pretty amazing and did great things even when they had fewer opportunities than boys. They showed that girls can do anything they want and that being smart and creative is important no matter what time period you live in!