ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medieval football

Medieval football was a game played in Europe during the Middle Ages, around 1000 to 1500 AD. It was kind of like soccer or football, but there were no rules, no teams, and no goals!

The game was played in the streets or fields, and the objective was to get a ball to a particular location or to keep it away from the other players. There were typically two teams, and each team could have as many players as they wanted. There was no referee, so players had to police themselves and make sure that there were no dirty tricks.

The ball was usually made of leather, and it was filled with straw, horsehair, or even animal bladders. The ball was quite heavy and was difficult to control. Players would kick, throw, and punch the ball, and they could use any part of their body to control it, including their hands and arms.

The game was often violent, and players would often get injured. There were no restrictions on how players could tackle each other, and it was not uncommon for players to use weapons or their fists to get the ball.

In some versions of the game, the ball was kicked towards a particular location, like a church or a nearby village. The first team to get the ball to the location would win. In other versions of the game, the ball was kept away from the other players for as long as possible. If a player grabbed the ball, they would be chased by the other players, and they could pass the ball to one of their teammates to keep it away from the other players.

Although medieval football was a violent and chaotic game, it was also a time of great community spirit. Players would often take to the streets to play the game, and it was a chance for neighbors and friends to come together and have some fun.