ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medieval theatre

Hello kiddo! Today I'm going to tell you all about something called medieval theatre.

Back in the olden days, people didn't have TVs or computers to watch movies or shows on. So, they created their own kind of entertainment, called theatre!

In medieval times, theatre was very different from what we have now. There were no fancy sets, costumes, or special effects. Instead, the actors would perform on a wooden stage or in the middle of a town square.

The plays they put on were usually about stories from the Bible or legends of kings and knights. They used a lot of singing and dancing to tell the story and keep the audience entertained.

One important thing to know is that women were not allowed to act in medieval times. So, even the female characters were played by men or young boys.

The audience would be made up of all kinds of people, from peasants to lords and ladies. They would watch the play and even interact with the actors at times. For example, if there was a villain character, the audience might boo him or throw things at him to show that they didn't like him.

Overall, medieval theatre was a fun and unique way for people to come together and enjoy a story, even without all the fancy technology we have now.