ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Melliferous flower

Melliferous flowers are like candy shops for bees. Just like how we love to go to candy stores to get our favorite treats, bees love going to melliferous flowers to get nectar and pollen.

Imagine a flower as a house. The nectar is like the soda and the pollen is like the pizza inside the house. Bees love to drink the sweet, sugary nectar and they also collect the pollen to bring back to their hive and make yummy honey.

But not all flowers are melliferous, meaning they don't all have nectar and pollen that is good for bees. Sometimes the nectar isn't sweet enough or the pollen isn't very nutritious. So, when we talk about melliferous flowers, we mean flowers that are like the best candy shops for bees. They have plenty of sweet, sugary nectar and nutritious pollen that bees absolutely love!