ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memorandum of agreement

A memorandum of agreement is like a special kind of handshake between two or more people or groups. It's a way of saying, "Hey, we agree to do something together, and we want to make sure we both know what that means."

Think of it like when you and your friend agree to play a game together. You might say something like, "Ok, we're going to play hide-and-seek. You'll be it first, and we'll count to 20 before we start looking for each other. Is that okay?" By doing that, you've made an agreement with your friend about how you're going to play the game.

A memorandum of agreement is kind of like that, but for bigger and more complicated things. For example, if two countries want to work together on a big project, like building a new road or protecting the environment, they might sign a memorandum of agreement to help them work together.

The memorandum of agreement would list out all the things they agreed to do, like how much money each country will contribute, what kind of work they'll be doing, and when they plan to finish the project. By signing the memorandum of agreement, both countries are saying, "We agree to work together on this project, and we both understand what we're supposed to do."

So, a memorandum of agreement is a special kind of document that helps people or groups make agreements about big projects or important things, so they can work together better.