ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memory wall

Do you know how when you try to reach a toy on a high shelf, you have to climb up a ladder or ask grown-ups for help to get it? This is kind of like the memory wall in computers.

Just like how you have to work harder to get something that's higher up, some parts of the computer have to work harder to get to the memory. The memory stores all the information that the computer needs to process, but sometimes the computer takes too long to get to that memory. This is called the memory wall.

It's like if you wanted to play with your favorite toy but it was in a really high place that you couldn't reach. You could ask for help or use something like a ladder to get to it, but it would take longer and more effort than if the toy was just right there on a low shelf.

When the computer has to work harder to get to the memory, it slows down the processing speed and can make the computer seem like it's not responding as quickly. That's why computer scientists are always trying to find ways to make accessing the memory faster and easier, so the computer can run more smoothly and quickly.