ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memory-mapped I/O

Memory-mapped I/O is like playing with your toys on a very special table. On this table, the toys that you put on it are special and can do things to other toys that are not on the table.

It's like a magic table because it can talk to other things that aren't just toys, like computers. So if you put something special on the table, like a button or a switch, the computer can talk to that thing and make it do something.

It's like how you can press a button on a toy and it makes a noise or moves its arms. But with memory-mapped I/O, the computer can press the button for you, just by talking to the table.

So, memory-mapped I/O means that you can talk to special things by putting them on a magic table, and the computer can interact with those things just like you would with toys.