ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mensa International

Mensa International is like a special club for really smart people. It's kind of like a secret club, but instead of being secret, it's just really exclusive. In this club, only the smartest people in the world can join.

Now, how do they know if you're smart enough to join? Well, they do something called a "IQ test". IQ stands for "Intelligence Quotient", which is a fancy way of measuring how smart you are. This test asks you all sorts of questions and puzzles to see how well you can think and solve problems.

If you score really high on the IQ test, you might get an invitation to join Mensa International. Once you're a member, you get to talk to other smart people and participate in all sorts of activities. They have meetings where people can give talks about interesting topics, they have puzzles and games for members to work on, and they even have special events where smart people from different countries can get together and have fun.

But being a member of Mensa International doesn't mean you're better than other people. It just means you have a special talent for thinking and problem-solving. Everyone is smart in their own way, and being in Mensa International is just a way for really smart people to connect with each other and have fun together.