The menstrual cycle is the time it takes for a girl's body to prepare for a possible pregnancy and is usually about 28 days long. During that time, the girl's body changes in different ways. First, her uterus (a special place in her body) starts to thicken in order to prepare for a baby. Then, her ovaries (small organs on either side of her uterus) will release an egg, which is called ovulation. Around the time of ovulation, her hormones will change and the lining of her uterus will thicken and get ready for a baby. After ovulation, if the egg meets with a sperm and gets fertilized, then it will attach to the thickened lining in the uterus and the girl will get pregnant. But if the egg isn't fertilized, her body will get rid of the thickened lining through her vagina - this is called her period. The menstrual cycle and period usually last about 28 days, but this can vary from person to person.