ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem

So, let me tell you a story about a secret code that can be used to keep messages safe from someone who wants to read them without permission. This secret code is called the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem.

Now, to understand how this secret code works, first we need to understand what a knapsack is. Imagine you have a backpack (like a knapsack) with different items inside it. Each item has a different weight. You have to pick certain items from the backpack to make sure it weighs exactly a specific amount, like how many apples you can carry from a fruit farm.

The Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem works in a similar way but instead of different weights, it uses numbers. This secret code has two keys, a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt the message, while the private key is used to decrypt the message.

The way it works is that the person sending the secret message chooses a bunch of numbers (like the items in the knapsack) that add up to a specific number (like the weight they want to achieve). Then they mix up the order of these numbers and use them to create one big number (like stuffing all the items into a backpack).

Now, when someone wants to send a secret message to this person, they use this big number (like the stuffed backpack) and the public key to scramble the message in a way that only the person with the private key can unscramble it.

When the person receives the scrambled message, they use their private key to reverse the encryption, which is like unpacking the backpack and finding all the items in the original order. This way, the secret message is kept safe from anyone who doesn't have the private key.

So, you see, the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem is like having a secret backpack that only certain people can unlock. It uses a bunch of numbers to make a big number and then uses that to encrypt messages. Only the person with the private key can unlock the encrypted message and read it.