ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Messenger Feast

Hey little one, have you ever heard of a messenger feast? It's like a big party and celebration that used to happen a long time ago with some Native American tribes in North America.

When one tribe needed to communicate with another tribe, they would choose someone to be a messenger. This person would travel to the other tribe with a special message or news from their tribe.

Sometimes, the journey was very long and dangerous, so the messenger would have to be very brave and strong. When the messenger finally arrived at the other tribe, they were welcomed with a big feast to celebrate their safe arrival and successful delivery of the message.

During the feast, there would be lots of delicious food, songs, dances, and speeches. It was a time for the two tribes to come together and celebrate their friendship and the shared knowledge or information that the messenger had brought.

So basically, a messenger feast is a celebration to honor a messenger who has traveled a long way to deliver an important message or news. It's a way for people to come together and celebrate the bond between different tribes or groups.