ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Messier marathon

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the Messier Marathon? No? Well, it's a really fun event where people try to spot a bunch of different objects in the night sky in one night.

You see, there are lots of things way up in the sky that we can't see with our eyes because they're too far away and too dark. But astronomers have special telescopes that can see these things.

Now, there was a man named Charles Messier who was a really good astronomer. He made a list of 110 objects in the sky that he wanted to study. These objects are called the Messier objects.

So during the Messier Marathon, people try to find as many of these objects as they can. It's like a scavenger hunt in the sky! They stay up all night looking through their telescopes and marking off the objects they find.

It's really exciting because some of the Messier objects are very hard to see. But if you find them all, you're a really good astronomer just like Charles Messier!