ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of philosophy? It's like asking questions about the world, what we know, and what we should do. Now, metaphilosophy is asking questions about philosophy itself. It's like thinking about how we ask questions, what we can know, and how we can be sure of things.

Imagine you have a toy, and you want to know more about it. You can ask "what is it made of?" or "how does it work?" That's like philosophy. But if you start wondering "why do I even want to know about this toy?" or "is there a limit to what I can learn about it?" That's like metaphilosophy.

It's like looking at the map of a place before going there. Metaphilosophy helps you understand the territory of philosophy before you start exploring it. It helps you think about how we think, how we ask questions, and how we can make sense of the world.