ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Metric engine (American expression)

A metric engine is basically a type of machine or device that measures how much energy or work is being done by something else. It's like a tool that helps you figure out how much power is being used or how much effort is being exerted by a car, a motorbike, or any other type of engine.

Think of it this way: you know how your mom or dad might ask you to help them carry groceries or move furniture, and they tell you to "use your muscles"? Well, a metric engine is kind of like the grown-up version of that. It's a tool that helps people figure out how strong something is or how much energy it's expending.

A metric engine can measure things like the speed of rotation, how much fuel is being burned, the amount of air or water that's being moved, or the force being used to turn a wheel. By taking these measurements, the metric engine can help people understand how well an engine or machine is working, which can be helpful if you want to make it run more efficiently, or if you need to fix something that's broken.

So, in summary, a metric engine is a tool that helps us measure how much work or energy is being used by different types of engines or machines. It helps us understand how they work and how we can make them work better.