ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Michigan Court of Chancery

In the state of Michigan, there used to be a special kind of court called the Court of Chancery. This court was different than regular courts because it dealt with all kinds of problems that regular courts couldn't solve.

For example, if two people were fighting over a piece of land and neither one of them could prove that they owned it, they would go to the Court of Chancery to help sort things out.

The judges in the Court of Chancery were very smart and they would listen to both sides of the story very carefully. They would then use their special powers to make decisions that were fair for everyone involved.

The Court of Chancery didn't just deal with land disputes, though. They would also handle things like business disagreements and even family problems.

Eventually, the Court of Chancery was merged with the regular courts in Michigan because it was easier to have just one kind of court. But for a long time, the Court of Chancery was a very important place where people could go to get fair solutions to their problems.