ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how you go to school with lots of other kids in a big classroom? Well, sometimes parents and teachers decide to make a smaller school just for a few kids, and that's called a micro-school.

In a micro-school, you might only have a few classmates, maybe just 4 or 5. That means your teacher can spend more time with each of you and make sure you're understanding everything. Plus, you can work at your own pace and get help right away if you need it.

Sometimes, micro-schools focus on a specific subject, like science or art. Other times, they might be for kids with different learning styles or needs. And since it's a smaller group, you can all work together to figure things out and have more fun while learning.

Basically, micro-schooling is like having your own little school with a small group of friends and a teacher who really cares about you and how you learn. Cool, huh?
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