ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Microparticle performance rating

Microparticles are tiny specks that are too small to see with our eyes. They can be harmful to our health if we breathe them in, so people use special filters, called air filters, to keep them out of the air we breathe.

To tell how good an air filter is at keeping out microparticles, experts came up with a rating system. It's like giving a grade to how well a filter does its job.

The rating system is called the Microparticle Performance Rating or MPR. The MPR number tells us how small the microparticles that the filter can catch are. The higher the MPR number, the better the filter is at keeping out tiny microparticles.

A filter with a MPR of 600, for example, can trap microparticles that are 0.3 to 1 microns in size. That's like catching tiny pieces of dust or pollen.

Filters with a higher MPR rating are usually more expensive, but they can help keep us healthy by making sure we breathe clean air.