ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Micropeptides are very small proteins that are made up of only a few amino acids. Proteins are like a string of beads, and each bead is an amino acid. Micropeptides are like a tiny necklace made up of just a few beads.

These micropeptides are important because even though they are small, they can still do big things in our body. They can help regulate how genes are turned on and off, and how cells grow and divide.

Think of it like a control switch in a toy car. If you want the car to go forward, you have to turn the switch on. Micropeptides are like that switch, they can turn on or off different parts of our genes and cells.

Scientists are still studying micropeptides to figure out all the ways they can help our bodies stay healthy. And even though they are small, they can have a big impact on our health and well-being.