ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Microprocessor chronology

Microprocessors are small chips inside computers that do all the work to keep them running. They are kind of like the brains of the computer. They help the computer do things like store information, send messages, and play games.
Microprocessors have been around since the 1970s, and they have gotten faster and more powerful as time has gone on. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, created in 1971. In 1978, the Intel 8086 chip was released, and it was one of the biggest advances in computing since its predecessor was the first to be able to do math and store information. In 1983, Intel released the 80286 chip, which was the first chip with memory protection and multitasking abilities. This chip was faster than the 8086 but used less power.

In 1994, Intel released the Pentium, which was the first chip to use two or more processors in it to make it even faster. In 1997, the Pentium II was released and was the first chip to use 3-D instructions and was much more powerful than its predecessor. In the 2000s, Intel released several other chips such as the Pentium 4, Pentium D dual-core, Core 2 Duo, and Core i7.

Today, the most powerful chips are called CPU's (central processing unit) and are made by several companies such as Intel, AMD, and ARM. CPUs help make computers faster, more powerful, and more energy efficient. In the future, we can expect to see chip designs that get even faster, more powerful, and more energy efficient.