ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft

Alright kiddo, do you know what Microsoft is?

It's a big company that makes software and computers. They have a name that sounds a lot like a boy's name - "Micro" and then "Soft."

Now, have you ever heard of Mikerowesoft?

No, it's not a real big company like Microsoft. It's just a name made up by a boy named Mike Rowe who was 17 years old in Canada. He used the name "Mikerowesoft" for his small computer repair business.

Well, when Microsoft heard about this small business, they got pretty upset. They thought that its name was too similar to their own and they didn't like it. So, they tried to make Mike change the name of his business.

But Mike didn't want to, and he thought it wasn't fair! He argued that his company's name wasn't really that similar and that he wasn't trying to steal any of Microsoft's business.

So, Mike decided to fight back and he took this all to court. He hired a lawyer and argued that he had the right to use the name of his business.

After a long time in court, they finally agreed and Mike was allowed to keep his business name. But, he did have to promise not to use the word "Microsoft" like that in the name of his business again.

In the end, it was a lesson to learn that while it's good to be creative, it's also important to be respectful of other people's ideas and company names.