ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you remember Star Wars? I bet you do, it's the movies with the cool lightsabers and Jedi warriors! Well, in the Star Wars universe, there's something called midichlorians. Midichlorians are tiny living things that live inside of Jedi warriors and give them their special powers called the Force.

Think of midichlorians like little helpers that live in your body. They help the Jedi use the Force powers like telekinesis and mind control. The more midichlorians a Jedi has, the more powerful they are with the Force.

Now, you might be wondering how Jedi get these midichlorians. It's actually something they're born with. Some people just have more midichlorians than others, and those people are more likely to become Jedi.

So, in short, midichlorians are tiny living things that give Jedi their Force powers. They live inside of Jedi and are something they're born with. May the Force be with you!