ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Miguelete Tower

The Miguelete Tower is a tall building in a city called Valencia in Spain. It's a really old tower, like over 600 years old! It's made out of stone and looks kind of like a castle tower, with a pointy top and lots of windows.

The Miguelete Tower is really special, because it's a part of a really big, fancy church called the Valencia Cathedral. The tower is so tall that you can see it from really far away, and people use it to help them figure out where they are in the city.

People used to use the Miguelete Tower to watch out for enemies that might be trying to attack the city. They would climb up the tower and look out the windows to see if anyone was coming. These days, people don't use it for that anymore, but they still go to see the tower and take pictures of it because it's so pretty and important to the city's history.

If you ever visit Valencia, make sure to see the Miguelete Tower and take a good look at it from all angles!