ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mikhail Molodenskii

Mikhail Molodenskii was a very smart man who lived a long time ago. He was born in Russia in the year 1909 and he died in the year 1976.

Mikhail Molodenskii was really good at math and science. He worked on things called geodesy and cartography. Geodesy is about figuring out the shape and size of the earth, while cartography is about making maps.

When he was older, Mikhail Molodenskii thought that it would be really helpful to make maps using something called satellites. Satellites are things that orbit the earth and can take pictures of it. They can help us figure out where things are on the earth.

Mikhail Molodenskii worked with other really smart people to come up with a way to use satellites to make really good maps. They called this method "satellite geodesy."

Satellite geodesy was really important because it helped people make maps that were much more accurate than before. It also helped scientists learn more about the earth and how it works.

Mikhail Molodenskii was a really important person in the field of geodesy and cartography. Even though he lived a long time ago, his ideas are still being used today to help make better maps and learn more about the earth.