ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Milch Trial

Hi there!

Today we're going to talk about something called the "milch trial." Now, first of all, do you know what a trial is?

Think of a trial like a big game of pretend, like when you and your friends play "court" and someone has to be the judge. In a real trial, there's a judge and lawyers and people who are accused of doing something wrong. They all come together in a big room called a courtroom, and they talk about what happened and try to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

So, in the milch trial, there was a man named Emil Milch. He was a soldier during a big war a long time ago, and some people said he did something really wrong during the war. They said he helped the enemy and hurt his own fellow soldiers.

A long time after the war was over, they decided to have a trial to figure out if Emil Milch really did something wrong. They talked to a lot of people who knew him and who were there during the war, and they tried to figure out what really happened.

In the end, they decided that Emil Milch was guilty of the things he was accused of doing. That means they decided he really did do something wrong during the war.

Now, trials like this can be really important because they help us make sure that people are held responsible for the things they do. It's like when you're playing with your friends and someone accidentally breaks a toy - they need to take responsibility so they can fix it and make it right. Trials are just like that, but for grown-ups with bigger problems.

I hope that helps you understand what the milch trial was all about!