ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military Covenant

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a really good friend who always helps you out when you need it. You both have certain rules you follow to make sure you're always there for each other, like if your friend needs help with their homework, you'll help them out. This is kind of like a promise you made to each other to always be there to help.

Now, in the military, soldiers also have a promise they make to each other and to their country. This promise is called the military covenant. It's an agreement between the soldiers and their leaders that says they will work together to keep the soldiers safe and take care of them, even after they leave the military.

The military covenant has a few different parts to it, like promises to help soldiers get medical care if they're injured, to make sure they have good equipment to do their jobs safely, and to provide support for their families while they're away on missions.

These promises are really important because soldiers are putting their lives on the line to protect their country. The military covenant is a way for their leaders to show that they value and appreciate the sacrifices the soldiers are making, and that they'll do everything they can to take care of them.

So, just like your promise to your friend to always be there for them, the military covenant is a promise made by the military to its soldiers to always be there to take care of them, no matter what.