China is a country with a lot of people and things. The people in China have a special group called the military, which helps protect the country from bad people who want to harm it. The military has things like airplanes, tanks, guns, and lots of other things to help them protect the country.
In order for the military to have all of these things, they need something called money. Just like you need money to buy toys or candy, the military needs money to buy their things. This money is called a budget.
China has a lot of money because they have a lot of people and they make a lot of things that they can sell to other countries. So they use some of this money to give to the military as their budget.
The amount of money that China gives to the military is very big, even bigger than what other countries give to their military. This means that the Chinese military can buy even more things to help protect the country.
Sometimes people in other countries get worried when they hear that China has a big military budget. They worry that China might want to fight with them. But China says that they only want to use the military to protect their own country and to help keep peace with other countries.