ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military history of Scotland

Hi there! Do you know what Scotland is? It's a country, kind of like how your bedroom is your own special place. Well, a really long time ago, Scotland had its own special army. Do you know what an army is? It's a group of people who are trained to fight together and protect their land.

Scotland's soldiers were called clansmen, and they wore kilts and carried big spears and swords. They would fight other soldiers from different countries who were trying to take their land. One of the most famous clans in Scotland was called the Highlanders, and they were very tough fighters!

But sometimes, other countries were stronger than Scotland's army and they were able to take over. England was one of those countries. They wanted control over Scotland, so they attacked and took over. This made Scotland very sad, so some brave Scottish people decided to try and fight back - they were called rebels.

One of the most famous Scottish rebels was a man named William Wallace. Have you ever heard of him? He led a big battle against the English army and won! But eventually, the English were too strong and were able to take back control.

Later on, there was another famous battle called the Battle of Culloden. That was when the Scottish people were fighting against the English again. But unfortunately, the Scottish army lost that battle and it was the end of Scotland's military history for a while.

Does that make sense? Scotland used to have its own army, but other countries were able to take over. However, there were brave Scottish rebels who tried to fight back and protect their land. Even though they didn't always win, they were still very important in Scotland's history.