ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military terminology

Military terminology is a special set of words that soldiers and other people in the military use to talk to each other. It's like a secret language that helps them communicate better and understand each other.

Let's start with some basic words:

- Soldier - A person who serves in the military. They wear a uniform and are trained to protect their country.
- Unit - A group of soldiers who work together. They might be in the same branch of the military (like the Army or the Navy) or have a specific job (like a medical unit or a bomb squad).
- Mission - A task that soldiers are given to complete, like capturing an enemy base or delivering supplies to a remote outpost.
- Orders - Instructions given to soldiers by their commanding officer. They tell the soldiers what to do and how to do it.

Now, let's look at some more complex words:

- Tactical - A word that describes the way soldiers use skill and strategy to accomplish their mission. They might use tactics like flanking (surrounding the enemy from two sides) or taking cover (finding a safe place to hide from enemy fire).
- Engagement - When soldiers come into contact with the enemy and start fighting. This could be a small skirmish (a brief fight between a few soldiers) or a major battle (a big fight with lots of troops and weapons).
- Casualty - A soldier who has been injured, killed, or captured during a mission.
- Reconnaissance - A mission where soldiers gather information about the enemy's location and strength. They might use things like drones, binoculars, or spy satellites to gather this information.

Finally, let's talk about some acronyms - words made up of the first letters of other words:

- MIA - Stands for "missing in action." It means a soldier who has disappeared and has not been found, and they don't know if they are still alive.
- KIA - Stands for "killed in action." It means a soldier who has been killed while fighting in battle.
- POW - Stands for "prisoner of war." It means a soldier who has been captured by the enemy and is being held prisoner.
- IED - Stands for "improvised explosive device." It is a type of bomb that is made by the enemy and can be hidden anywhere, like on a road or in a building.

These are just a few examples of the many words and phrases that soldiers use every day. By using these words, soldiers can communicate more effectively and work together to complete their missions and protect their fellow servicemen and women.