ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Militia (Great Britain)

A militia in Great Britain is a group of regular people who come together to protect their village or town. The militia can be made up of people of all ages, usually men, but sometimes women too. They are not professional soldiers or part of the army.

The militia was formed a long time ago, in the days when there wasn't a big army like there is now. The government wanted to be sure there was a way to protect the towns and villages in case of trouble. So they asked the people who lived there to form their own militia.

When there is a problem, like an enemy trying to attack or a big fire, the militia comes together to help. They may bring their own weapons or use things they find around the town. Some people might use a pitchfork or a club, while others might have a real sword or a gun.

The militia members take turns guarding their village, patrolling around the edges, and watching for anything suspicious. They have to be ready to jump into action if there's a problem. The government keeps an eye on the militia to make sure everything is safe and following the rules.

Overall, the militia is like a team of everyday people who work together to protect their town or village. They don't have all the fancy gear that soldiers have, but they do their best to keep everyone safe.