ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, a milliradian is a way of measuring how far away something is and how big it is. It's like using your fingers to show how far apart things are. Imagine you have a piece of paper and you're trying to draw a box on it. You can use a ruler to measure how big the box should be, but how do you know how far away the box should be drawn from you? That's where milliradians come in.

A milliradian is a tiny angle that helps us measure how far away something is. It's like a little piece of pizza or a slice of pie. If we draw two lines at the tip of the slice of pizza or pie and measure the distance between them, it will always be the same, no matter how big or small the slice is.

We can use milliradians to help us aim a gun, so we know how far away our target is and how to adjust the gun to hit it. It's like playing a game of darts – if you know how far away the dartboard is, you can adjust your aim to hit the bullseye.

So, with milliradians we can measure how big or far away something is with math, and use that to aim our gun or target. Cool, right?