ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A millrind is a special tool that helps grind grains into flour. It looks like a big metal pinwheel, kind of like the ones you see on windmills!

The millrind is made up of two parts: the center piece, called the "eye," and the bigger, spiky part, called the "runner." The eye sits on the main shaft of the mill, and the runner spins around it to grind up the grain.

The spikes on the runner are called "furrows," and they help break up the grain as it gets ground down. The grains are poured into the center of the millrind and are crushed by the runner as it spins around.

The millrind was really important back in the olden days, when people had to make their own flour. They would take grains like wheat or corn and crush them between the millrind to make flour, which they then used to make bread or other baked goods. Nowadays, most people buy flour from a store instead of making it themselves!