Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called the Mine Safety and Health Administration, or MSHA for short.
Imagine you and your friends are playing a really fun game of tag, but instead of running around outside, you are running around a big, dark, and scary cave. You all have to be very careful and follow some special rules so that everyone stays safe.
Just like with your game of tag, mining can be a dangerous job. MSHA is a group of grown-ups who make sure that miners have a safe and healthy workplace. They teach miners how to stay safe, inspect mines to make sure rules are being followed, and investigate any accidents that happen to make sure they don't happen again.
MSHA also makes sure that mines don't hurt the environment around them. This means making sure waterways are not polluted, trees and plants are not damaged, and animals are not harmed.
So, MSHA is like a big group of grown-ups who make sure that you and your friends (the miners) stay safe while playing tag (working in a mine). They also make sure that the cave (the mine) doesn't hurt the environment around it.