ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mineral evolution

Mineral evolution is like a storybook of how rocks and minerals have changed over millions and millions of years.

So, imagine you have a box of toys. You have some Legos, some dolls, some cars, and some toy animals. Over time, you might add more toys to your box, or some toys might break and need to be replaced. That's kind of like what happens with rocks and minerals on Earth!

Billions of years ago, when Earth was just forming, there were only a few types of rocks and minerals. But over time, more and more minerals formed, kind of like adding new toys to your box.

The way the minerals formed is really interesting. See, minerals are made up of different elements, like how your toys are made up of different parts. These elements combined in different ways to form new minerals.

To understand this, imagine you have a bag of Legos - each piece represents an element. You can combine the Legos in different ways to build different things. Maybe you build a car, or a house, or a spaceship. That's what happened with the elements on Earth - they combined in different ways to form different minerals.

Some of the new minerals formed because of things like volcanic eruptions or the shifting of tectonic plates. Others formed because of things like changes in temperature or the presence of water.

So now, Earth has a huge variety of rocks and minerals - just like your box of toys has a huge variety of different types of toys. And scientists study mineral evolution to understand how and why these rocks and minerals formed, and how they have changed over time.