ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mini-revolvers are small guns that shoot bullets. They are like the big guns that you might see in movies or in video games, but they are much smaller and easier to carry around. Think of it like a toy gun that you might play with, but it's not a toy - it's a real gun that can be dangerous if not handled properly.

Mini-revolvers work by using a cylinder that rotates when you pull the trigger. The cylinder has small holes in it where the bullets are loaded, so each time the cylinder rotates, a new bullet is ready to be fired. The gunpowder inside the bullet ignites when you pull the trigger, and that causes a small explosion that propels the bullet out of the gun and towards the target.

Because mini-revolvers are so small, they can be easy to carry around in a pocket or a bag. But it's important to remember that guns are not toys and should only be used by responsible adults who have been trained to use them safely. It's also important to follow all laws and regulations related to owning and carrying firearms.