ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minimalist music

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes when you listen to music, there are lots of different instruments playing at the same time and it can get really loud and overwhelming? Well, minimalist music is kind of like the opposite of that.

In minimalist music, there are usually only a few instruments playing, and they play very simple melodies that repeat over and over again. It's like a musical pattern that keeps going and going.

This might sound boring to you, but some people really like it because it can be very calming and meditative. It's a bit like listening to the sound of the ocean or the wind blowing through the trees. It can help you relax and focus on what you're doing.

Minimilast music composers often include things like silence and pauses to give you time to think and process what you're hearing. They might also use repetition to create a sense of familiarity and comfort.

So, just like how some people like to have a big, loud party, other people prefer a quiet, peaceful night at home. That's kind of like the difference between regular music and minimalist music.
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