ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minister of Mental Health

Okay kiddo, so you know how you have different teachers at school for different subjects, like you have a math teacher and an English teacher? Well, there are different people in the government who are in charge of different things too.

One of those people is called the minister of mental health. They help make sure that people who are struggling with mental health issues, like feeling sad or anxious, get the help they need to feel better.

They work with other people who are experts in mental health, like doctors and therapists, to make sure that everyone has access to the care they need.

The minister of mental health also helps create programs and resources to prevent mental health problems from happening in the first place. They might also work with schools and communities to teach people about mental health and how to take care of their minds.

Overall, the minister of mental health is kind of like a really important helper or teacher who makes sure everyone gets the help they need to have a healthy mind.