ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minority-serving institution

A minority-serving institution is a place where people go to learn new things, but it is a special kind of place because it is specifically designed to help people who might not always have the same opportunities as others. These types of institutions help students who come from groups that might not always have as much access to education as others, such as people who are from minority groups or who have a different background than most people.

In these institutions, teachers make sure that every student feels welcome and is treated with respect. They understand that everyone learns differently and they try to teach in a way that helps everyone learn, no matter where they come from. The teachers and staff also try to make sure that students feel like they belong and are part of a community.

Overall, a minority-serving institution is a place where people can learn and grow, but it is special because it helps students who might not always have the same opportunities as others.