ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mirabilia Urbis Romae

Mirabilia Urbis Romae is a fancy-sounding phrase that means "the wonderful things of the city of Rome." This phrase was used a long time ago to describe a fancy book that was full of pictures and explanations of all the amazing things you could see in the city of Rome.

You know how when you visit a new place like a city, there are lots of things to see and learn about? Well, this book was made so that people who wanted to visit Rome could learn all about the incredible things they could see and experience there.

The book had lots of cool pictures and drawings of important buildings, like big churches called basilicas and even the Colosseum, which is a really famous place where people used to watch fights between gladiators.

The book also had information about famous people who used to live in Rome, like emperors and important religious figures. You could learn all about their stories and see pictures of what they looked like.

All in all, this book was like an amazing guide to the city of Rome, and it helped people learn more about the incredible history and culture of this beautiful place.