ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mitt Romney presidential campaign, 2012

So, Mitt Romney was a man running for President of the United States in 2012. He wanted to be in charge of the country and make important decisions to help everyone.

To become President, he had to do a lot of work. He had to travel all around the country and talk to a lot of people. He had to tell them why he would make a good President and how he would help them.

He also had to be in debates with other people who wanted to be President. In these debates, they would ask him questions and he would have to answer them in a way that made sense and showed he knew what he was talking about.

Mitt Romney had a team of people helping him. They made signs and bumper stickers with his name and they went door-to-door to talk to people about him. They even made TV commercials to try to get more people to vote for him.

In the end, Mitt Romney didn't win the election. Barack Obama was elected as President for another four years. But Mitt Romney worked really hard for the chance to be President and he should be proud of that.