ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mixed Mode Ventilation

Well kiddo, mixed mode ventilation is when we use two different methods to ventilate a building. It's kind of like using your nose and mouth to breathe at the same time!

One way we can ventilate a building is by using natural ventilation, which means using the air outside to cool the inside of the building. We can do this by opening windows or using vents to let fresh air in.

Another way we can ventilate is by using mechanical ventilation, which means using machines like fans or air conditioners to cool the building. This is like using a fan to cool you down when it's hot outside!

So when we have mixed mode ventilation, we use natural ventilation when the outside air is cool enough, and mechanical ventilation when it's too hot or not enough fresh air is coming in. This way, we can save energy and still make sure the building is comfortable and healthy to be in.