ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile Telephone Service

Mobile telephone service is like a magic telephone that you can carry around with you wherever you go. Instead of being attached to a wall (like a regular phone), a mobile phone can travel with you in your pocket or purse.

When you want to make a phone call, your phone uses something called a "cell tower" to connect to the network of the phone company. This is how you can make a phone call to someone even if they are far away from you - as long as they also have a phone that is connected to the network.

The phone company charges you money for using their network, and this is usually done by signing a contract or buying a prepaid plan. The amount of money you pay depends on how much you use your phone and what features you have.

Mobile phone service also allows you to send text messages, use the internet, take pictures, and do lots of other cool stuff!