ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mock election in the King's Bench Prison

Okay, imagine you and your friends playing a game. Now, pretend all of you are in a big pretend prison. In this imaginary prison, you and your friends have a special pretend election to choose a pretend leader. This is called a mock election!

Now, let's say you and your friends go to a special part of the pretend prison called the King's Bench. In this part, people who are in trouble with the law pretend to be prisoners. They have to stay there for a while as part of their pretend punishment.

In the pretend King's Bench prison, the prisoners decide to have a mock election just like the one you and your friends play. They want to choose a pretend leader from amongst themselves. This is a fun way for them to make decisions together and have some pretend fun!

First, they have to decide how they will vote. One way is called "voice voting." This means everyone says out loud who they are voting for. Another way is called "written voting." Each person writes the name of the person they want to be the pretend leader on a piece of paper.

Let's pretend they choose voice voting. Everyone in the pretend prison comes together in a pretend meeting room. One by one, they start to say who they want to be the pretend leader. If someone gets the most votes, that person wins the pretend election!

But sometimes, people may not agree on who should be the pretend leader. They might have different opinions and want to support different people. In that case, they will have to talk and listen to each other's points of view. This is important because it helps them understand each other and work as a team.

After everyone has voted and people have discussed, they finally decide on who will be the pretend leader. The person who gets the most votes becomes the pretend leader of the King's Bench prison!

Now, you might wonder, "Why would they have a mock election in a pretend prison? What's the point?" Well, even though they are in pretend trouble, it's essential for them to practice making decisions together and respecting each other's choices. It teaches them how to work as a team and understand different opinions, just like in real life.

So, just like your game of pretend, the mock election in the King's Bench prison helps the people there have fun, learn how to make decisions as a group, and practice being fair and respectful to each other.