ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modern Stoicism

Okay, kiddo, are you ready to learn about modern stoicism?

Modern stoicism is a way of thinking and living that is based on the ancient philosophy of stoicism, which was started by a man named Zeno in Greece a long, long time ago.

Now, when we talk about stoicism, we’re not talking about being emotionless or not feeling things. What it really means is that we learn to control our emotions and not let them control us.

You know how sometimes you get really mad or upset about something that seems too big to handle? Well, a modern stoic would tell you that you can control your own reactions to that situation, and choose to not let yourself get too worked up about it.

But it’s not just about controlling your emotions—modern stoicism is also about leading a good life and being a good person. It’s about being content with what you have, even if it’s not a lot, and focusing on what really matters in life, like being kind to others and helping out when you can.

So, in a way, modern stoicism is about finding a balance between our desires and our actions. We don’t always get what we want in life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be happy and fulfilled. By focusing on what’s important and learning to control our emotions, we can live a good life, even when things don’t go our way.

Does that make sense, kiddo?