ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modern paganism in the United States

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are lots of different religions in the world, like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism? Well, some people in the United States believe in something called modern paganism.

Modern paganism is a bit like a big basket filled with lots of different beliefs and practices. It's not just one religion but a whole bunch of different ones that share some similar ideas. Many modern pagans believe in nature and the earth as sacred, and they often participate in rituals or ceremonies outside to honor the changing seasons.

Some modern pagans worship ancient gods and goddesses from places like Scandinavia, Greece, and Rome. They might also believe in supernatural beings like fairies or spirits. But it's important to remember that not all pagans believe exactly the same thing.

Some modern pagan groups have been around for a long time, like Wicca, which started in England in the 1950s and came to the United States in the 1960s. But there are also lots of newer groups today as well.

In the United States, modern paganism is not an officially recognized religion, which means it doesn't get the same legal protections or support that other religions do. That can make it harder for pagans to practice their religion without facing discrimination or challenges.

But despite this, there are many pagans in the United States who are proud of their spiritual beliefs and who have formed communities of support and friendship with others who share their views.