ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modified atmosphere

Modified atmosphere is like a special place where fruits and vegetables go to stay fresh and yummy for longer. You know how when you leave a banana out on the counter for a few days it starts to turn brown and mushy? Well, modified atmosphere helps prevent that from happening.

It works like this. Oxygen is a gas that we need to breathe to survive. But, oxygen is also one of the things that causes fruits and vegetables to spoil quickly. So, by taking some of the oxygen out of the air around the fruits and vegetables, we can slow down the spoiling process.

But, instead of just taking oxygen out and leaving nothing in its place (which would make the fruits and vegetables too dry), modified atmosphere adds in some other gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases help keep the fruits and vegetables moist and fresh while still slowing down the spoilage.

Once the fruits and vegetables are in their special modified atmosphere environment, they can last longer without getting spoiled. This means we can enjoy our favorite fruits and vegetables from far away places because they can travel longer distances without spoiling. Yum!