ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mohammad Ismail Khan (Indian politician)

Okay, so let's imagine you are a little kid and we are going to talk about a man named Mohammad Ismail Khan who lives in India and works in politics.

So you know how when there are a bunch of people who live in the same place, like in a city or a town, they need someone to help make decisions for them and help things run smoothly? Sort of like how your grown-ups in your family help make rules for your family, Mohammad Ismail Khan does the same thing for a lot of people in India.

He is a politician, which means he has a job where he makes important decisions to help the people he works for. For example, he might decide what laws should be passed to help people be safer or have more opportunities.

Mohammad Ismail Khan is special because he is also known as a Member of Parliament, which means he is a part of a group of people who are chosen by the people of India to make decisions on their behalf, and this group is called Parliament.

This job requires lots of different skills, like being a good listener, knowing lots about what the people you represent need and want, and working with other people to come up with plans that will work for everyone.

So in short, Mohammad Ismail Khan helps make important decisions for the people of India and works hard to make their lives better.